Elenco dei prodotti per la marca GHS
At ghsstrings.com you can surf around and get expert information about strings, calculate string tensions, locate technical information, read product information, check out artists who play Ghs Strings and much more!
We produce a full line of strings for fretted instruments: electric, acoustic and classical guitar; electric bass; banjo; mandolin; pedal and steel guitar and more.
Innovation has been a key for us since 1964 when our company founders brought a wealth of string making experience to a small family-owned business. Now, 35 years later, as a top brand in the global market Ghs Strings is staffed with dedicated personnel trained and experienced in string technology.
Our continuous innovation can be seen in such areas as our "Brightness Bar" (found on select string packages and designed to show what strings will produce which tones), our close collaboration with key artists (who often actually provide direct input during the string design process for Signature strings), and our ongoing efforts to create new and exciting product.
By combining our years of experience and our reputation for quality, Ghs will continue to provide the best strings for players worldwide for years to come.